Seasonal Recipe: Pickled Magnolia Blossoms

Magnolia Stellata “Royal Star” flowers are the white starburst variety with a marzipan aroma. Floral and piquant in flavor, best when still budding in early spring.

Magnolia blossoms are a wonderful spring delicacy, but lots of folks have no idea these flowers are edible and tasty. In my opinion, the most delicious types are the pink variegated varieties in bloom all around Portland at the moment and taste like pickled sushi ginger, but all Magnolias have interesting flavors to offer, including unique floral and sharp notes. If you or one of your friends has a Magnolia tree blooming at the moment, it’s easy to go harvest some petals! About 10-20 large flowers are enough to make yourself a jar full of Magnolia Blossom pickles.

Below is a recipe for making your own Magnolia pickles. To learn more about the health benefits of Magnolia flowers and spring seasonal health, check out our companion blog entry: Spring Equinox 2024 Seasonal Health


1 Mason jar full of Magnolia Blossoms

1 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar

1 Cup Rice Vinegar

1/3 Cup Sugar (or up to 1/2 cup for sweeter pickles)

1/8 Cup (2 Tablespoons) Salt

'‘Burgundy Star” Magnolia flowers are the bright red/maroon varieties. Not the tastiest, best avoided!

To Prepare:

Pluck Magnolia petals from blossoms, discarding stamen and central seedpod.

Fill up a mason jar with petals. Don’t be afraid to really cram the petals in, they are hearty and it won’t affect the flavor!

Magnolias with pink accents like these - Lilliputian and Gracilis varieties - have the sweetest and brightest flavor of early spring blossoms.

Mix Vinegars, Salt and Sugar in a small pot, and heat over low until salt and sugar are dissolved.

Allow to cool, then pour the brine over your magnolia blossoms in the jar.

Seal and store in the refrigerator for at least 12 hours, then enjoy with Sushi, salads, noodles or add to any dish for a burst of bright, floral flavor and gorgeous pink color!


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